(Reading Guidance, Episode.7) Detox Your Skin; Only Water for 14 Days
(rosacea, seborrhea, sensitive skin, whitening and acne)
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(English version by @羅嬌2016.9.6產品悶敷油敷; not audited yet)
Good day, everyone.
Originally, I planed to record the seventh episode of the book “Detox Your Skin; Only Water for 14 Days.” after coming back. But now I just have time, so I record it for you.
We finished in the sixth episode before, we said, I mean: we think all the maintenance products, the first one we don't actually have very long human (test) data on the single raw material. This is the truth。
One more, and then, for mixed ingredients, we even don't have the safety data for these mixes.
So I think it's time to take advantage of the history of Pharmacology; that is, with “the constant monitoring of physicians.”
But when physicians monitor it with the naked eye; it is "difficult" to do it (memory only is inaccurate). So we magnify it, so that we can see the change of the texture with a very clearly records.
That's what I probably told you before.
Well, today, the seventh, the story I actually want to tell you is very simple, that is, we begin to say, "If you want to know about maintenance, not just watch ingredients."
About twenty years ago, after the DIY epidemic, people began to think, "How do we understand the skincare products?"
The ingredient list is, of course, a source of "honesty" for a manufacturer, and it should be so.
But what you don't know is that there are actually a lot of eyebrow angles in the ingredient list, also named the trick.
I don't object to you to read the ingredient list, and I also support the manufacturer to use the ingredient list. But have you ever thought that there are some traps in the ingredient list?
That is to say, the component table indicates the "complete" problem of the skincare product manufacturer.
Let me talk to you first. We still use the story of Emperor of Tang Dynasty (Tang TaiZong; 唐太宗) we first mentioned.
That's the beef noodle I seal and another one also seal it; both brands of the beef noodles label the ingredients— "salt, sugar, pepper, pepper oil, beef."
OK, the two the two are marked "exactly the same." Can you tell me the level of the two brand is the same?
First of all, the number of beef is not the same. But there is “no proportion” in the ingredient list.
You can read it carefully. The ingredients list hardly shows any percentage, without any proportion.
Of course, there are some ingredients, such as vitamin C 3%. Then can you tell me, in addition to vitamin C, What percentage of its preservative? What percentage of its spice? What percentage of the others?
They are not written in the composition table. If you remember, the ingredient list, you can't see the percentage. Please take a closer look at your composition list.
Secondly, OK, that's to say, we continue to use the example of beef noodles. My beef with his beef, probably one is made in Australia, one is made in the United States; one is chuck, another one is leg shuttlecock meat; one may be minced meat, one may be a flesh; even one may be the pollution of rotten meat and another one is a good meat......
But you don't know anything! He only writes beef!
Now, please tell me the rose extract you see on your skincare product. This one thing......
Can you tell me, in this rose extract, is the Brand A the same as the Brand B or the Brand C?
That is to say, when there is a discussion, consumers tend to make a mistake: when we discuss L-VC (Laevogyrate vitamin C), when this one has 3% of L-VC, that one has 4% of L-VC. Then we will say that one is more advanced.
First of all, are they the same L-VC?
Second. Do they come from the same raw material supplier? If not, do they have the same material levels?
There's a lot of space to talk about. In the next episode, the episode—"If want to understand the skin care products, do not just look at the composition table." we're going to keep it clearer
There’s a minute or two left, and I want to talk to you about another concept.
Let's talk about the acid, because the concept of “acid safety” actually relates to “truth of the ingredient list”.
For example, we often say, "this person uses 15% of the acid," and "that person uses 15% of the acid."...... Ordinary people think of "15% acid", I know.
But, if you know, "acid actually will destroy skin keratin and makes it easier for the latter substances to seep in. " Then you can understand the "15% of the acid plus 85% pesticide ", and with" 30% of the acid plus 70% pesticide ", which one is more dangerous?
In fact, 85% of pesticides are more dangerous than 70% of pesticides!
I don't mean to denigrate this kind of industry by taking this extreme metaphor.
I'm just going to tell you that when you're using something, you often see L-VC 3%, L-VC 5%, L-VC 8%, and now please tell me, "do you really think" the 3% of L-VC is more important? Or is the remaining 97% easier to penetrate?
The book "Detox Your Skin; Only Water for 14 Days" tells you, "actually, we don't know anything!"
And there's a very clear point to tell you: as you move on, you'll find that the maintenance vendor doesn't know! "
The only thing we can know is that we're constantly monitoring it, just like we were helping aspirin
And there's a very clear point to tell you: as you move on, you'll find that the manufactures of the skin product doesn't know either! "
The only thing we can know is that we're constantly monitoring it, just like helping our manufacturers monitor aspirin. We know that aspirin can also cause stomach pain except for pain relieve, additionally it can be used to prevent thrombosis too thick......
This is the concept that the medical profession should adapt to the skin care products!
The medical profession constantly monitors the skin care products, which is the essence of the whole book.
So let's finish it here today, thank you. Namo Amitabha.
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